I made this game as a submission for the 2022 GMTK Game Jam,
After having studied in-depth the history of the 1930s cartoons I have included a few easter eggs, and, of course stayed true to it's original art style.

Controls :
- A & D to move from left to right
- hold S to crouch
- press W to jump (broken)
- press Shift to dash (broken)
- Left click mouse to shoot

Unfortunately, having only 50 hours to make this game it does present a few major bugs :

- Not being able to dash nor jump

- Spamming side to side will make the character lose pixels.

Hope you have fun playing this game!

The dice theme is that when you shoot (left click) it should dice with respective damage as the sign on them. (Dice is 1, Damage is 1)

Credits :

Pen-Gu : Programming & Art

StinkyMuffin : Music

Thank you Bendux for trying to fix my game's dashing ability.

Unfortunately, because of a switch in the Publishing settings, the game couldn't be uploaded, for this reason, I have made a spare project which you can find here :


Note : It's exactly the same, just you can actually load it in your browser.

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